What is EMF and Why Should You Care?

You might have heard that it's important to be aware of the presence of EMF in your everyday life. This invisible type of radiation is everywhere in our modern world, and it could affect your health, both at home and in your environment.
Colbo SafeCheck helps you monitor for EMF, as well as other forms of radiation and pollutants. Learn more about our 4 in 1 device and see how you can keep control over your environment, for your health and happiness.

What is EMF?

EMF stands for electromagnetic field. It is a type of energy that is produced by electrically charged particles, so it can be found in both natural and man-made sources.
While natural sources include the sun and lightning, man-made sources include power lines, electrical appliances, and wireless devices such as cell phones. In short, EMF is everywhere in our modern world. EMF is invisible and cannot be felt, but it can be measured with special instruments.
EMF can be divided into two main types: high-frequency EMF, and low-frequency EMF. The main difference is that high frequency EMF can penetrate the human body more easily and cause more damage quickly. Low frequency EMF, on the other hand, does not penetrate the human body as easily and is therefore not as dangerous, but prolonged exposure can still prove harmful.

What are the Health Risks Associated with EMF Exposure?

There is a growing body of evidence that suggests that EMF exposure may be linked to a variety of health risks, including cancer, neurological disorders, and reproductive issues. 
An IARC evaluation from 2011 discovered a possible link between RF radiation and cancer in people, particularly glioma, a malignant type of brain cancer. Other reported symptoms include headaches, anxiety and depression, nausea, fatigue, loss of libido, and more. 
While more research is needed to confirm these links, it is important to be aware of the potential risks. EMF can have negative effects on your health if you're exposed to it for long periods of time. Therefore, it's important to take measures to protect yourself.

How Can You Protect Yourself From EMF Exposure?

There are a few ways you can protect yourself from EMF exposure: 

Scan Your Environment

The best way to protect yourself from EMF is to first understand how much you are being exposed to in your current environment.
Colbo SafeCheck is designed to monitor your environment for many different contaminants, including EMF. Our EMF scanner can be used to measure the electromagnetic fields emitted by appliances and other devices inside and outside your home. By using an EMF scanner, you can determine whether or not a particular device is emitting harmful levels of electromagnetic radiation. 
Check out more information on why you need an EMF scanner, and learn more about how to stay in control of your environment.

Distance Yourself from the Source of EMF Radiation 

When EMF radiation is present, it is important to distance yourself from the source as much as possible. This will help to reduce your exposure to the radiation and minimize any potential health risks. 
Additionally, you should try to avoid spending extended periods of time in close proximity to the source of EMF radiation. If you must be near the source, make sure to take breaks often and limit your exposure as much as possible.

Use Shielding Materials to Reflect or Absorb EMF Radiation.

There are a variety of materials that can be used to shield against EMF radiation. Shielding materials are typically made of metals such as aluminum, copper, or steel. However, other materials such as carbon fiber and polyethylene can also be effective at absorbing or reflecting EMF radiation.
You can find everything from blankets to beanies designed to help shield the body and brain from EMF. Do your research, and choose items that are most convenient for you in everyday life.

Limit Device Usage

To protect oneself from EMF exposure, it is important to limit device usage, as even low-frequency EMF can be harmful over time. 
Use devices like your cellphone or laptop only when absolutely necessary, and limit the amount of extended time you spend with them. Don’t use them while they are charging, and turn them off when not in use. 

Tips for Reducing EMF Exposure in Your Home

If you want to reduce EMF in your home, it's helpful to power off and unplug electronic devices at night, including wifi routers, microwave ovens, smart televisions, and any other devices that emit electromagnetic frequencies. 
Avoiding body contact can also help. You can avoid body contact with electronics to reduce the EMF in your home environment. This means keeping them away from your head and body, and not using them while they are charging. Keep your laptop off your lap, and your cellphone away from your ear as much as possible. 
When it comes to reducing EMF exposure in your home, one of the best things you can do is to use wired devices instead of wireless ones. Wireless devices emit EMF radiation constantly, even when they're not in use, whereas wired devices only emit EMF when they're actively being used. This means that by using wired devices, you can greatly reduce the amount of EMF radiation you're exposed to on a daily basis.

The Bottom Line: Why Should You Care About EMF?

It is important to be aware of EMF in your everyday life. While people are exposed to EMF every day, it is still unknown what long-term effects it will have on human health. However, it is clear that EMF could have short-term effects on your health, so it is important to take precautions to minimize your exposure.
Colbo SafeCheck helps you scan your home for EMF, but it can also help keep you safe from gamma radiation, excess nitrates, and harmful impurities in food and water. See how we can help keep you safe, at home and abroad.